The FootGolf event in August was a great success, raising money for the Twin Town Challenge 2018 (TT18).
Nick Streeter of SpecialEffect “Huge thanks to everyone at The MGroup for their fantastic support with such a brilliant fun based networking event that will help us continue to bring fun and freedom to the people with disabilities who SpecialEffect help.”
Having now collected in all funds, we can confirm that £2,125 was raised from the event directly with an additional £530 raised from the raffle on the day.
Thank you to everyone involved in the event again for all their support; Heythrop Park for having us, STL for their involvement in organising the event and all the teams who took part. Having been raising money from the Twin Town event earlier in the year, the FootGolf event and other events involving team members and clients, The MGroup has been involved in raising over £4,300 this year for TT18.
We would also like to thank everyone else who have generously and kindly supported us. We have been overwhelmed with the total raised and are proud to support SpecialEffect.